Posts Tagged ‘CakePHP web apps programming’

Among the plenty of PHP frameworks CakePHP applaud the most by web developers as well as clients for its performance and cost-effectiveness. However, when you go for CakePHP development you have to face some difficulties if your project is big with lots of features and you have to take help of Zend framework, but this happens in very rare cases since the majority of PHP web development projects come from medium and small businesses and CakePHP web development is the best option for them.

Another class of users who also can get benefits of CakePHP programming is the content management system users and they are of plenty of types so if we consider this vast user base CakePHP website development has bright future. Therefore, let’s exploit the contribution of CakePHP web app development in creation of excellent CMS.

There is a free CMS that is the product of CakePHP web programming and it is OvenCMS. In this CakePHP programming CakePHP developers have used jQuery and JavaScript libraries so this CMS is fantastic and most suitable for small websites. It has extensive plug-ins so we can extend its functionality further. The same product is Wildflower and also for free.

If you think of internationalization and want to add multilingual CMS you have best option and that is Croogo this CMS is developed by CakePHP developers using MVC framework so you can use it extensively for blog, node and page. Moreover, you can categories content with Taxonomy and use its WYSIWG editor to do your work rapidly and accurately without any coding.

If you are going to create lightweight CMS using CakePHP web apps programming your product will be like CupCake CMS that is design oriented and for quick deployment. This is a product for small to medium sites with user-friendly interface.

If your clients require fat and versatile CMS with your CakePHP development you can go for Termite CMS so your clients will handle multiple websites. If you want to handle portfolio sites Simpleflan is solution of CakePHP programming in CakePHP 1.2 with clean and functional interface.

If you look for effective and modern programming your Cake PHP web developers should have knowledge of creating Cherryfish like CMS that is a modular CMS and using ExtJS.

Conclusion :-

Demand of various level of CMS is high and CakePHP development companies are getting many inquiries in this regard so here we have taken a brief reviews of CakePHP based CMS used for various needs.