Archive for May, 2013

PHP is famous for its dynamic and interactive nature therefore, it may generate pages that let users to create their own usernames and passwords so PHP developers are using encryption methods to encrypt password before submission of forms field entry to the database field. Before sometime ago PHP web application programmers were using Message Digest Algorithm (MD5) function to encrypt the password into 128-bit string, but it was not sufficient against the modern attackers with modern technologies. Now most of the PHP website developers are using Secure Has Algorithm) SHA-1 function to create 160-bit string that is more secure than previous one.

In usual cases php.ini file consists of a setting termed as “register_globals” that means if this setting is on the server will create automatic global variables for many of the server’s variables and query strings. This is a big loophole in the security of the application. Therefore, many third party packages like CMS software, Joomla, Drupal etc. are demanding users to set register_globals off so automatic global variable generation stops and unauthorized users can’t access any sensitive data just guessing the name of the variable that validate the password. Thus, a smart PHP developer will set register_globals off in case of security issues.

We most of PHP web programmers are lazy at a point or sometime we are hard press to accomplish our task rapidly so client can reach at market earlier than her competitors we avoid thorough coding and good coding practices. Among these good practices giving the value to the variables which are validating the authentication process. Here value instantiation is important before the log-in procedure starts. If value installation is done we can prevent users from bypassing the verification process and get easy access to the protected areas which are not included in their access privileges. Moreover, value instantiation process block the users to start new sessions on an application, but some security issues remain their intact.

Conclusion :-

PHP is highly flexible web development language and this flexibility causes many problems as far as security is concern. In due course if we take some precautions before deploying PHP application we can save future damages with least efforts.

PHP is not new web development language so it is insane to say that its security measures are not adequate. Though it is highly flexible language its back-to-back versions have gotten lots of improvements in sense of security measures. Since PHP development has yielded myriads of websites for the web it is likely that the PHP developers who are working on PHP web development might have not enough knowledge of have good coding practices that ensure the enough coding steps to beat the malicious attackers. Therefore, today we will explore the precautions before deploying PHP application at a glance.

In many cases PHP programmers have to installed some sorts of PHP scripts from the 3rd party applications since PHP is flexible enough to allow all sorts of integrations. In due course, PHP developers save setup scripts on the working directories and this script allows working components installation also allows the access for the malicious users. Perhaps due to this reason all third party packages providers give instructions to remove the setup scripts immediately accomplishment of installation process. This is good way to save our PHP application from the unscrupulous users.

If any PHP web programmer wishes to keep that script she used to create an .htaccess file to control the administration directories. This way if any unauthorized user attempts to access the protected directories has to pass through the validation process giving username and passward that stored in the password file. Something similar may happens in case of ‘include’ file which we   use in many parts of the PHP application. This is called include file because it has directives that assimilate the code of individual file into that of originating page. If your include file is simple than no problem but if consists of some sensitive data like usernames and passwords or some database access keys we have take enough care to prevent that and there is only secure way that you should remove the .inc extension and convert it into .php extension so PHP engines will process the file and prevent unauthorized access.

Conclusion :-

PHP is highly flexible web development language and this flexibility causes many problems as far as security is concern. In due course if we take some precautions before deploying PHP application we can save future damages with least efforts.

Among the plenty of PHP frameworks CakePHP applaud the most by web developers as well as clients for its performance and cost-effectiveness. However, when you go for CakePHP development you have to face some difficulties if your project is big with lots of features and you have to take help of Zend framework, but this happens in very rare cases since the majority of PHP web development projects come from medium and small businesses and CakePHP web development is the best option for them.

Another class of users who also can get benefits of CakePHP programming is the content management system users and they are of plenty of types so if we consider this vast user base CakePHP website development has bright future. Therefore, let’s exploit the contribution of CakePHP web app development in creation of excellent CMS.

There is a free CMS that is the product of CakePHP web programming and it is OvenCMS. In this CakePHP programming CakePHP developers have used jQuery and JavaScript libraries so this CMS is fantastic and most suitable for small websites. It has extensive plug-ins so we can extend its functionality further. The same product is Wildflower and also for free.

If you think of internationalization and want to add multilingual CMS you have best option and that is Croogo this CMS is developed by CakePHP developers using MVC framework so you can use it extensively for blog, node and page. Moreover, you can categories content with Taxonomy and use its WYSIWG editor to do your work rapidly and accurately without any coding.

If you are going to create lightweight CMS using CakePHP web apps programming your product will be like CupCake CMS that is design oriented and for quick deployment. This is a product for small to medium sites with user-friendly interface.

If your clients require fat and versatile CMS with your CakePHP development you can go for Termite CMS so your clients will handle multiple websites. If you want to handle portfolio sites Simpleflan is solution of CakePHP programming in CakePHP 1.2 with clean and functional interface.

If you look for effective and modern programming your Cake PHP web developers should have knowledge of creating Cherryfish like CMS that is a modular CMS and using ExtJS.

Conclusion :-

Demand of various level of CMS is high and CakePHP development companies are getting many inquiries in this regard so here we have taken a brief reviews of CakePHP based CMS used for various needs.