We Can’t Satisfy All End-Users with Our Designs

Posted: September 7, 2013 in Php development
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Since, client satisfaction is easy where we have to deal with only some persons, but we can’t give guarantee of total satisfaction with our PHP web designs for their targeted audiences. We can’t create generic purpose web designs offering greater satisfaction to the all stake holders. We only satisfy some niche audience and some percentage of general audience with our PHP web designing endeavors.


In our web development community particularly PHP development, it is general trends to look at the portfolio and find out the relevant project that PHP developer had done in past and match it with our concept or business requirements. Once things set okay, we handover our PHP web development project to that PHP web development company or freelancer PHP developer.

At PHP web developer point of view this behavior directly force us to satisfy the clients by judging their requirements, likes, dislikes and some business related issues. In verbose we say client-centric approach gracefully. Yes, that is easy to satisfy one-single entity, be it a person or a business by keen observations and experienced assumptions. Nevertheless, true difficulty start when our pure intentions to add some value in the business of the client or her personal endeavors where her target audience and their satisfactions matter more than her personal.

In this sense, if we look at closely to each project we encounter, we definitely find them unique in that sense that we have to satisfy different persons or audience each time and not a single project is alike to any other one. Thus, it is insane to comparing existing projects in the portfolio with our concept or our business requirements, rather we only tell that we are belong to the same niche by referring a project or a group of projects as reference.

Therefore, at web developers side no client is similar in needs than others so their projects. With this knowledge, we have to go for the target audience research every time we take new project on the hand, despite it belongs to the same category or niche. We need carefully listen to our client without mentioning that we have done similar projects before and will implement same things in your project too. Once we sort the needs of clients, we need to try to understand its target actual audience under the umbrella of that needs.

There are altogether different ways to reach at the different kind of targeted audiences for various kinds of project and no same methodologies or tricks will work in each case. If you are not assure of any method, please run a guerilla survey or user experience test of your product/software that ultimately will give you insight about it.

Now, if we are talking about the target audience here we can’t satisfy the all related people or groups with our designs so your guerilla survey may not be accurate all the time since it comprises only limited audience. If want to give guaranteed satisfaction we only can mention some percentage of our targeted audience, never 100% as a whole.

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